Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Was Simon Peter (aka "Shlomo") Mentally Challenged?

So people ask me, "Gabe, why did you make Shlomo be such a retard?" Okay, so that is politically incorrect, but that is what they ask. The answer is this: The Gospel According to Mark, which is the oldest canonical gospel, was theoretically written by Mark as told to him by Simon Peter (Shlomo) while they were in prison in Rome, and he (Mark) later went on to have his book published in Alexandria. It was an instant hit, because Christianity was just beginning to spread across the Roman world and curiosity about Jesus (Yeshua) was at an all-time high, at least for the period. Subsequently, Matthew and John came out with their own books about Jesus, as did Thomas, Jude, Mary, Philip and several others whose names I have forgotten. At least, this is the theory. The Gospel According to Luke, on the other hand, was written by a Greek physician, a Gentile who was friends with Paul of Tarsus, who never met Jesus except maybe on that road to Damascus.

Anyway, at the time, formal Hebrew schools (Yeshivas) had been around in Israel, and probably Alexandria, Babylon and Rome, for roughly a hundred years, and all little Jewish boys were given the opportunity to obtain an education so that they could study the Torah. Shlomo would also have been given the opportunity. So why didn't he write his own Gospel?  Why did he tell Mark his stories about Jesus, instead?  Maybe he couldn't read or write. Maybe he was dyslexic, and maybe the best that he could do was dictate letters and editorials. That would explain why it's "The Gospel According to Mark" instead of "The Gospel According to Peter."

And look at the things that Shlomo did, according to the canonical gospels. He saw Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee and he jumped right into the water with the intention of walking on the Sea, himself. I know what the churches have to say about this "leap of faith," but that was a profoundly stupid thing for him to do. He could have easily drowned. He also believed that the Archangel Raphael dangled his toes in the water of the Pools of Bethesda, which is also very naive, since Greek scientists had long ago made huge strides in uncovering the laws of nature. The Jews, who have been an educated and enlightened people for thousands of years, would have known about tidal fluctuations and whatnot, too.

Besides, Jesus loved whoever who followed him and believed in him, even if that person were dyslexic or mentally challenged or disabled. And that's an important thing to know.

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